About foundation

The Public Foundation for Support and Development of National Mass Media was founded in November 2019 by a group of enthusiastic journalists and bloggers for the development of the media sphere, material support and realization of the rights of representatives of the media community in Uzbekistan.

Since 2016, journalism and blogging in Uzbekistan have developed rapidly. However, even turning into a powerful movement, the representatives of the media community did not have a platform where they could discuss their problems and develop a unified strategy to solve them. There was no organization capable of protecting their rights, representing interests in dialogue with the state, and professionally participating in the development and improvement of legislation.

This situation became critical because the fragmentation of the media sphere led to a crisis in the profession. That is when the realization came of the need to create a public organization, which was designed to unite and protect journalists and bloggers. Such an organization was the Public Foundation for Support and Development of National Mass Media of Uzbekistan.

The main activities of the Foundation are carried out in the following areas:

  • Financial support;
  • Scientific and methodological support;
  • Protection of rights;
  • Social partnership development.

The Foundation and its projects are financed at the expense of patrons, regional grants and foreign donors.

The main goal of the Foundation is to help create equal conditions for the media in the media market, their further development, as well as the realization of the rights of journalists and bloggers.

Main objectives:

  • Development and implementation of promising media projects, journalists and bloggers for the sake of solving the socio-economic problems of the country;
  • Strengthening the material and technical base of the media, supporting the activities of journalists and bloggers, providing them with legal, advisory, organizational, technical and other assistance;
  • Organizing events on media development issues;
  • Establishment of partnership with international organizations;
  • Training, retraining and professional development of journalists, bloggers and other representatives of the media;
  • Raising the status of the media, as well as journalists and bloggers, assistance in creating mechanisms for the self-government of the media community;
  • Development of proposals to improve legislation in the field of information.